A little-known fact among consumers is that Canon cameras will always be better than Kodaks. As a former vendor of the camera business, replica bags I can say that the Kodak cameras have a higher percentage gain than the models from Canon, and also feel a little cheap when you look at them closely. On the other hand, when using a Canon, you never get that cheap feeling and the return rate is very small. Not to mention the best features that come with their digital cameras. Both my parents and a good friend of mine, chose the Canon based on my advice and love and all are satisfied with their choice. If you think about it, is not really a competition. It's enough to look at the cameras used by professionals. They know what they are doing, and if they're spending their money on digital cameras from Canon, so it should. And it is better to buy a cheaper model and older Canon to spend their money on a new Kodak, and there are prospects of even better performance the Canon.
If you are not satisfied with Canon digital cameras come with Nikon, Kodak, but avoid, since they are much better brands out there. However, if you choose Canon. Can adapt to any kit lens of a Canon camera, but was not designed for them.
Consider all the experience that will provide Canon digital SLR cameras for professional photographers and think how easy it is to adapt the latest technologies and bring a digital camera made especially for regular consumers.
Whenever you choose a digital camera, are not only in the name of the manufacturer. Make sure you check the online assessment and learn what each one has unique characteristics, so make a conscious choice. Spending a few hundred dollars on a camera is not a joke so you should not be a spur of the moment decision.