Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What Happened to Modest Clothing?

You don't have to look very long or very hard to see that modest clothing is the exception in our culture.

Modern culture has made modesty something to be avoided. Walk through any school, mall or clothing store and you'll generally see more skin than clothing. Although there is a need for modest clothing for both sexes, it's the girls clothing (or lack there of) that seems to be the greatest problem.

Males are visually stimulated when it comes to the fairer sex. It takes very little skin for a young man (or an adult man) to be physically and mentally affected by what is seen. I know this from personal experience and from discussions with many other men.

The clothing industry is responsible for creating and pushing immodest clothing on our young girls. It's difficult to find much else on store shelves. Television, movies, and concerts are a few of the tools used to promote immodest fashions. What is a conservative parent to do? How do we protect our girls and boys from this trap?

The world wants the hearts, minds and bodies of our children. Protecting them from temptations to conform will help them make better decisions as the mature. Girls need to understand that immodest clothing causes problems for young men. As they become young women modest clothing is even more essential. Male eyes may enjoy seeing scantily clothed women but it's not necessarily good for the man or the woman.

Take aggressive steps to protect your children. Contact store managers about your concerns and boycott those that won't listen to sound reason. Teach your children to respect their bodies instead of parading around barely clothed. You'll be happy you took a stand.

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